Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan are a must for any wild flower garden.  They are a hardy perennial that produce bright yellow flowers in large quantities from June to October.  Black-Eyed Susans generally grow up to three feet tall and in clusters of one to three feet wide.  They produce anywhere between eight and 25 flowers per cluster with one the three inch flowers.  These flowers will do just fine with your lawns watering schedule and can handle a summer heat wave.  Black-Eyed Susan’s tend to “grow like weeds” and will sometimes overtake surrounding plants and shrubs.  Because of this, it is important to plant them in the right areas for your garden’s long term health and appearance.  I like to use Black-Eyed Susan’s as a perimeter plant against things that one would want covered up, such as a house’s foundation or old stumps.  I also like to put them in the backgrounds of my landscape’s, and pattern them with various grasses and East Friesland Salvia.  Black-Eyed Susan’s have long stalks which makes them ideal for indoor flower arrangements in a vase.  Once established, they tend to be so abundant with flowers that snipping a few for the Dining room table centerpiece will not affect your garden’s appearance.