Colorado Blue Spruce

The Blue Spruce, also known as the Colorado Blue Spruce is a symmetrical, conical evergreen tree.  It is a unique and beautiful grayish blue color with small clusters of brown pine cones.  Blue Spruces grow to a maximum of 45 feet tall and up to 15 feet wide.  Their growth takes a substantial amount of time as their lifespan is over 600 years.  The Blue Spruce needs an average amount of water that coincides with regular lawn watering.  These trees are susceptible to certain diseases that are easily curable, Spider Mites and Pine Needle Weevil.  Neither of these diseases are detrimental to the tree but should be resolved with the appropriate chemicals.  Historically speaking, the trees discovery is relatively new, with its discovery in 1861; writers explained it as "a finely shaped tree" and "the most beautiful species of conifer."  I can’t say that I disagree with these statements.  I like to use Blue Spruces with yellow and purple perennials around it, specifically as a corner piece in the front beds instead of a flowering tree.  It is a typical Pacific Northwest tree that looks great in rocky perennial gardens.